Thursday, June 27, 2024


Been out of practice. Trying to draw upon something within me to make a more honest core of my artwork, and with that, a more productive process.

So of couse this starts with a bikini babe.

    Not much to say here, this started as an anatomy study, then spiralled out of control with a pileup of messing around with her silhouette, shapes in the image system, and whatever figments popped into my head. A lot of it is some cliche anime brain damage; youthful, peppy, slightly magical, and fashionable from at least the late 90s. As usual I'm really striking while the iron is cold and stiff.

    I settled on the moniker Calendula after the flower, though that came about because an unsteady hand on a slider gave her a decidedly Simpsonian complexion.

    Learned a bit about line economy and shape language, need to refine volume, tone, and colour. As usual there's always work to be done, but I'm kinda proud of this. May use her as a subject for future works, ie; warmup doodles and the like.

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