Monday, January 27, 2014

2014 Weeklies 3

Mosasaurus Pitfall!
Still working on action and stuff, drawing inspiration from the pulpy classics.

I can't draw water worth a damn. In colour, it's as simple as tweaking values on the surface with transparencies (I'm underselling it, it's a value puzzle), but in b/w monochrome ink, it's kinda rough.

Swing on, kiddo.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

2014 Weeklies 2

Allosaurus Chase!
Still trying to iron out a proof of concept for my comic project. Hopefully I will have something more substantial than an idea soon.

This is basically a plot summary. Girl in jungle runs afoul of an allosaurus, hijinks ensue!

I'm having an issue with conveying motion. Why do George Morikawa, Yukito Kishiro and Paul Pelletier gotta be such a high benchmark, man... but I'm slowly getting the hang of it I think!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

2014 Weeklies 1

It's a new year. I'm going to try again to push my skills to the limit; in drawing I find I only improve as I make myself force it. So look forward to a lot of dumb stuff on the weekend from here on out!
I had a craving for spot prawns...which at the time of posting has yet to be sated -_-;

This is a character I'm going to be doing some work on as she's relatively easy to draw and has been stewing in my brain for a little while for a comic project. More as this develops