Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 7

The Detroit Hitman, The Motor City Cobra
A sketch of Thomas 'The Hitman' Hearns, a boxer who rose to conquer six weight divisions in the 80s. The guy punched so hard that he made Sugar Ray Leonard retire temporarily due to a detached retina!

I tried a bit of a different approach with this one and used non-repro blue pencil for the structure lines. I'd like to improve the cleanliness of my pencils and my rendering, and this seems to be a bit of a start.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 6

I listen to The Sex Pistols a lot - or as much as I can, as Never Mind the Bollocks was their only release - and, as much as I can appreciate angry vitriol as any other, I cannot completely identify with the Punk mentality beyond that.

I do like the Ramones though, since they were sincerely awkward geeks who by being brazenly honest amounted to a raw coolness.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 5

Way too busy
Bit flustered, so just scribbled madly with a Sharpie. Looking less garbage than I thought!

This is another OC of mine. Princess Ya Xiu is being groomed to be the saviour of weird fish people, but she's not very good at her job. Super salt.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 4

What's that?

Working on some inking. While my brushpen died near the end, feels kind of good to give an image some crisper resolution. I have problems with clean lines, I really must improve that.

Day 3

I've been learning Ibuki in SSF4: AE 2012. I usually play with Chun-Li, but Ibuki in offering more approach and offense options allows a gateway for me to explore playing the game a different way from pokes, footsies, and laming it out.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 2

Galaxy Senshi Bishoujo Mantis
I loved the 2008-2010 Guardians of the Galaxy team, the Nova series, everything Cosmic in that era. Annihilation, (parts of) Conquest, War of Kings, The Thanos Imperative. So rad.

I absolutely loathe Bendis' current, non-explanatory, movie-tie-in, send-Iron-Man-to-upstage-Star-Lord soft reboot that threw out everything from that run.

Also Mantis is my space-waifu. Those weird celestial psychic feels.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

(Not-so) Daily Sketches

I've fallen off the wagon, I need to get better, so let's subject the internet to some drawing whether for good or ill.

I'm going to try ti force myself to do one daily, but this hasn't worked out so well in the past, so if I flake out, yell.

Deadlifting nerd
Here's my pet character Mei-Yu for a comic I can't seem to garner the resolve to crank through right now, deadlifting with some yoga pants. If the character's going to be in an action comic, gotta stay fit in the off-season.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sit Down, Do It (Convention Season Post-Mortem)

As August passes us by, so too does the convention season. This year I went off to Seattle, Los Angeles, and what at the time felt like every niche corner and big show in Vancouver (all...uh, four, of them).

It was a tumultuous journey, filled to the brim with a crazy workaholic drive I haven't experienced before, full of no-sleep to the point of near breakdown; a streak of masochism - in the most positive way - driven by a single minded purposefulness.

From entering a contest to breaking positive in gross, I learned quite a bit on my journey of scrounging up art this year. This conceit can be neatly summarized in the following Calvin and Hobbes strip:

This is not philosophy to live by.

Self reflections and self indulgence after the break.